"The Elevators of Valparaíso have been included on the 2014 Watch to emphasize the continuing need for the restoration of the city’s most picturesque feature and an important vehicle for social interaction. The elevators have served as the main method of transportation along the city’s steep topography and were fundamental to its urban development. They symbolize Valparaíso’s preeminence as a maritime center, a position it lost after the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914. Of the 31 original elevators, only 15 remain, of which just 7 are operational. The loss of these vital transit arteries has had negative impacts on the city. A plan unifying community, municipal, and private entities in a collective effort to protect and maintain the elevators is needed to ensure their long-term survival and the revitalization of important neighborhoods in Valparaíso".
Ascensores de Valparaíso figuran en listado de monumentos en riesgo de Latinoamérica
Las nominaciones de monumentos para la lista ,que se renueva cada dos años, son hechas cada año por gobiernos, organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, expertos en conservación y otros grupos.
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